Henry Kendall High School offers co-curricular activities for students to better themselves and enjoy their time spent at school.
Civic Service
The school encourages student participation in charitable works and community service. It has an association with Gosford Rotary club. Students donate blood to the Red Cross Blood Bank. Studnets raise funds for charities such as 'Jeans for Genes', Stewart House and Movember. Students volunteer to collect funds for Red Cross and Legacy.
Participation in academic competitions is encouraged of every student in the school. Competitions offer gifted students an opportunity for state and national competition to gauge their abilities and skills. Students have had commendable success in: the Australian Mathematics Competition, the Australian Schools English Competition, an the National Science Competition.
There is a fine debating tradition at Henry Kendall High School. All debaters compete in the Premiers Debating Challenge which is organised by State and regional Coordinators. We enter a year 8 team and a Year 10 team into the Teasdale Cup. Teams are coached and managed by dedicated enthusiastic teachers.
Music Tuition
Henry Kendall High School Music Deparment conducts a small instrumental ensemble group, specialising in chamber music arranged for the instruments available, and a vocal ensemble. Both groups meet once a week during lunch time to rehearse.
The School Band rehearses at lunchtimes. New members are always welcome. Students who have played in bands and do not have their own instrument may hire an instrument from school if available. If you are interested in joining please see Mr. Dan Wilson in the Music Faculty.
The Students Representative Council
The Students Representative Council exists to provide opportunities for students to address the interests and concerns of students and to develop leadership skills. A teacher acts as adviser/coordinator. Training in proper meeting procedure is provided. Motions are put forward, debated, and voted on. Minutes are recorded. Fundraising and charity work are undertaken by the SRC in conjunction with the Charities Committee (a separate entity dedicated to charity work both within and outside the school). SRC representatives take an active role in the School Council and have voting rights. There are several active SRC committees. A leadership training day may be held at the start of the year. We send a representative to SRC District meetings. Students are elected at this level to either a State SRC Council or a State Working Party.
An Interact Club is a Rotary Club sponsored Organisation of students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12, whose purpose it is to provide opportunity for young people to work together in a world fellowship dedicated to service and international understanding. it must meet not less than once a fortnight and must undertake at least two major projects annually - one designed to serve the school or community, the other to promote international understanding.