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Henry Kendall High School

Henry Kendall High School

Developing confident, responsible citizens who strive for excellence.

Telephone02 4325 2110



The Library is an information and communication centre that offers a variety of services to the students and staff of Henry Kendall High School. Students of the school automatically become members of the library and are issued with a library card that remains valid for their time at the school. Students are expected to respect the library facilities, show consideration for others and abide by the library rules.

The Library is open every day from 8.00am to 3.10pm. This gives students the opportunity to use the library facilities before school and during the recess and lunch breaks. The Library has a variety of resources including books, magazines and computers. All computers have access to the internet, Microsoft Office and a number of other programs. Photocopying and printing facilities are also available at a minimal cost.





Reading for pleasure is encouraged and the library offers a broad range of fiction titles to appeal to the students. The library is continually expanding its novel section to cater for the wide variety of reading preferences. 

 Miss Shelley Klein is the teacher-librarian.  The Library strives to maintain a positive and friendly working environment where students have access to a wide range of resources, are encouraged to read widely and have the opportunity to develop and expand their knowledge and skills.