Henry Kendall High School holds strong beliefs in student centred approaches. I often remind our students that it is their school. A school to be proud of, and to have a shared ownership in. It is a strong and vibrant public school on the Central Coast in an area renown for the strength of public education. With this comes great opportunity, and great responsibility. How our students approach their learning, the school’s values, and the school environment significantly contributes to the culture of our school.
It would be impossible to encapsulate the opportunities Henry Kendall High School provides in creativity, learning, growth and accomplishments within these words; but through embracing the Henry Kendall High experience with positivity our students discover the essence of all that makes our school such a vibrant place to be.
We talk a lot at Henry Kendall High School about “Personal Best” and our school motto, “Persevere”, but understand that Personal Best and Persevering means that you don’t have to be the best; you have to be your best. It also means having the courage to grow from disappointments and recognising that these are important parts of life.
Our school vision and our values play an important part in encapsulating our identity. They reflect what we believe in as a school community, what it is that we want for each and every student who receives a quality education at this outstanding school. Our values of Belonging, Respect, Perseverance and Curiosity centre and ground us. Our vision statement provides a strong message that reflects our beliefs and culture;
Our vision is to inspire individuality through student voice, to showcase the power of Public Education. We encompass creativity, inclusivity, opportunity, and passion so that all students can reach their personal and communal best. We commit to transform the conversation around strong advocacy for First Nations’ culture; and continue to develop a holistic knowledge around wellbeing and educational programs that embrace citizenship for an ever-changing world.
Henry Kendall is a proudly comprehensive high school. In the decisions that we make about our students’ education we do not take into account what their religious beliefs are or socio-economic background. All wear the same uniform, and everyone is treated the same and given the same opportunities. That is what a comprehensive school is all about. Henry Kendall High proves it every year with our academic results, disabilities education and non-academic pathways to employment. Results though, are not the main point of what our students achieve and what they will take away when they follow a pathway beyond schooling. Because our students have attended a comprehensive public school in a supportive community, they will take away much more than high marks. They will be far more equipped to deal with what life has to offer and the people they will meet because they have lived with and accepted that complete cross-section of society that we have here at this school.
Henry Kendall students attend a school with proud traditions in academic, cultural and sporting achievement. Most importantly, they attend a school committed to striving to have them attain their personal best. I want each and every student to feel that they belong to Henry Kendall High School. These things can only happen when our students are involved and take the opportunities before them.
Andrew Backhouse